2021 Power Plan Specific Information

The 2021 Power Plan has been published!
Check out the Plan document and supporting material 


Work the DFAC reviewed as part of developing the next power plan is below and on the 2021 Power Plan Technical Page. Check meeting agendas for presentation material related to data, findings, and more.

Also see presentations and related material from our monthly Council meetings.

Recent Scenario findings (2021)

Transportation & Behind-the-Meter Solar Forecast (2021)


The Power Act requires the Council to produce a long-term regional demand forecast for electricity. In preparation for the past forecasts Council has had formed Demand Forecast Advisory Committees.  DFAC has played an important advisory role with assisting in review of the demand forecasting tools, input assumptions and forecast results. Demand Forecasting Advisory Committee members consist of electric and gas public and private utilities as well as experts in regional economy and state energy offices.