Recent Updates

  • The GRAC's charter was renewed in June 2022. We are currently in the process of updating our membership lists and planning new meetings as part of the 2021 Power Plan implementation process. Please stay in touch!
  • The 2021 Power Plan has been published, see the Plan and supporting material 

Recent and Upcoming Meetings

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FEB 2018
GRAC Webinar


The Generating Resources Advisory Committee (GRAC) was chartered to advise the Council regarding generating resource and technology alternatives having significance to the Power Plan. Activities of the Committee will include:

  • Assisting in the identification of generating resources and technology alternatives having significance to the power plan
  • Assisting in the identification of sources of technical, cost, environmental and other important information concerning significant generating resources and technology alternatives
  • Reviewing the information and assumptions concerning generating resources and technology alternatives considered for the power plan
  • Reviewing and interpreting the analyses concerning generating resources and technology alternatives undertaken for development of the power plan

The GRAC is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Its members are appointed by the Council. Specific members can be solicited by the Council or membership can be voluntary in response to requests for membership. GRAC meetings are open to the public.